Metadata Passed by s2Member Pro

Stripe Metadata is available for advanced site owners and 3rd-party services that interact with the Stripe API. The metadata that s2Member pushes over to Stripe is listed below. This information is useful when/if you build applications or integrate with services that might need to access additional details related to coupon codes, tax info, or geo-location. Metadata is almost always accessed through scripts that communicate with the Stripe API. See official docs here.

See also: Dev Notes below.

The Stripe Customer object receives:

metadata: {
  "name": "John Doe",
  "ip": ""

The Stripe Source object receives:

metadata: {
  "name": "John Doe",
  "ip": "",
  "address_city: "Los Angeles",
  "address_state: "CA",
  "address_zip": "90001",
  "address_country": "US"

The Stripe Charge object receives:

metadata: {
  "coupon": [JSON-encoded object; e.g., {"code":"SAVE10"}],
  "tax_info": [JSON-encoded object; e.g., {"tax":"3.45","tax_per":"8.5"}]

The Stripe Subscription object receives:

metadata: {
  "coupon": [JSON-encoded object; e.g., {"code":"SAVE10"}],
  "trial_tax_info": [JSON-encoded object; e.g., {"tax":"3.45","tax_per":"8.5"}],
  "tax_info": [JSON-encoded object; e.g., {"tax":"3.45","tax_per":"8.5"}]

Note: The trial_tax_info property contains any tax applicable to a first initial payment that forms an initial/trial period. The tax_info property represents the regular recurring rate after the initial/trial period is over and regular charges apply.

Dev Notes

In the examples above, values represented by [JSON-encoded object...] indicate that a string value is stored in Stripe as a JSON-encoded string that you can decode. For instance, in PHP you would json_decode($metadata->tax_info) to gain access to the object properties for the tax information.

The coupon, trial_tax_info, and tax_info properties are only passed to Stripe if they apply; i.e., if the customer used a coupon configured with s2Member. In the case of tax, only if the site owner is charging tax and tax applied to the purchase that a customer made.