Whenever you create a Custom Registration/Profile Field with s2Member, you are required to assign it a Unique ID. s2Member takes the Unique ID that you assign—replacing anything that is not a-z0-9 with an _ underscore. This sanitized Unique ID is used to reference the custom field in code.

See: WordPress Dashboard s2Member General Options Registration/Profile Fields & Options

Using the get_user_field() Function

s2Member adds a new function to WordPress called get_user_field(). You can find the function source here.

This function accepts two arguments:

  • $unique_id Required. The Unique ID that you want the value for.
  • $user_id Optional. Defaults to the current user ID; i.e., the ID of the user currently logged into the site.

Example PHP Code

$company = get_user_field('company');
// ↑ Pulls the value for a custom field with ID `company`, for the current user.

$user_id = 123; // A specific user ID.
$company = get_user_field('company', $user_id);
// ↑ Pulls the value for a custom field with ID `company`, for user ID 123.

Return Values for get_user_field()

  • (mixed) The value of the requested field, or false if the field does not exist.

Using the get_user_option() Function in WordPress

This function is part of the WordPress core. See: Function Reference/get user option « WordPress Codex

This function accepts two arguments:

  • $option_name Required. Any WordPress user option name, or the Unique ID for a custom field generated with s2Member (optionally prefixed with s2_). The optional s2_ prefix is suggested in order to avoid ambiguity.
  • $user_id Optional. Defaults to the current user ID; i.e., the ID of the user currently logged into the site.

Example PHP Code

$company = get_user_option('company'); // An s2Member custom field with ID `company`.
$company = get_user_option('s2_company'); // This works for s2Member custom fields too; prefix is optional.
// ↑ Pulls the value for a custom field with ID `company`, for the current user.

$user_id = 123; // A specific user ID.
$company = get_user_option('company', $user_id); // An s2Member custom field with ID `company`.
$company = get_user_option('s2_company', $user_id); // This works for s2Member custom fields too; prefix is optional.
// ↑ Pulls the value for a custom field with ID `company`, for user ID 123.

See also: [s2Get /] Shortcode Documentation