s2Member provides an easy-to-use shortcode called [s2Member-Gift-Codes /]. The shortcode makes it easy to create and sell Gift Codes (aka: Redemption Codes) to new and/or existing customers in a variety of ways. However, a developer might like to generate these codes on their own, in response to specific events that occur.

This can be done using PHP tags in s2Member Pro.

PHP Code Samples

Note: These samples require PHP 5.4+.

100% Off

echo s2member_pro_redemption_code_generate()['code'];
    // Output: GC00K1BUA2NZ5CTRCL5M31

50% Off (i.e., Passing Arguments)

$args = ['discount' => '50%'];
echo s2member_pro_redemption_code_generate($args)['code'];
    // Output: GC00K1BUA74Z5CTRCL5M31

$5.00 Off (i.e., Flat-Rate)

$args = ['discount' => '5.00'];
echo s2member_pro_redemption_code_generate($args)['code'];
    // Output: GC00K1BUA74Z5CTRCL5M31

50% Off (Initial Amount Only)

$args = ['discount' => '50%', 'directive' => 'ta-only'];
echo s2member_pro_redemption_code_generate($args)['code'];
    // Output: GC87K1BUA2NZ5CTRCL5M31

50% Off (Regular|Recurring Amount Only)

i.e., does not discount any initial/trial period. Only impacts the regular Buy Now rate. Or, the regular recurring rate if you are selling a subscription plan.

$args = ['discount' => '50%', 'directive' => 'ra-only'];
echo s2member_pro_redemption_code_generate($args)['code'];
    // Output: GC55K1BUA2NZ5CTRCL5M31

Post ID #123 or Post ID #456 Only

This prevents the code from being used anywhere other than these Post IDs.

$args = ['discount' => '50%', 'singulars' => '123,456'];
echo s2member_pro_redemption_code_generate($args)['code'];
    // Output: GC99K1BUA2NZ5CTRCL5M31

Frequently Asked Questions

When I generate codes are they stored in my database?

Yes. Generating a Redemption Code triggers a database write, which stores a new row in your wp_options table. This row is used to identify the Redemption Code as being valid, and also to flag it as having been used once a customer redeems it.

How can a customer use the Redemption Code(s) that I generate?

You will need to generate an s2Member Pro-Form and set accept_coupons="1" to enable a box that allows a customer to enter a Coupon Code (aka: Gift Code; aka: Redemption Code). See: WordPress Dashboard s2Member Pro Coupon Codes for further details.