Yes. However, we currently do not integrate email notifications into content dripping. If you want to notify customers about content that you are dripping we suggest taking advantage of s2Member's integrations with MailChimp, AWeber, and/or GetResponse. These services are dedicated to such things.

What is Content Dripping Exactly?

Content Dripping is the gradual, pre-scheduled release of premium website content to paying members. This has become increasingly popular, because it allows older members; those who have paid you more, due to recurring charges; to acquire access to more content progressively, based on their original paid registration time. It also gives you (as the site owner), the ability to launch multiple membership site portals, operating on autopilot, without any direct day-to-day involvement in a content release process.

Using [s2Drip /] Shortcodes to your Advantage

The [s2Drip][/s2Drip] Shortcode tags are inserted into a Post/Page using the WordPress editor. Inside the shortcode tags you place content that should only be visible to paying members who are at a certain Membership Level (or higher); and have been at this Membership Level (or higher) for at least X number of days. It is also possible to hide this content after X number of days; i.e. to drip content for a specific number of days and then automatically stop the drip too.