The [s2Stream /] shortcode includes a player_resolutions="" shortcode attribute. The player_resolutions="" shortcode attribute is a comma-delimited list of all available resolution options, which allows you to specify multiple videos, each with their own quality/resolution. This can be tricky to setup, so please read carefully. You'll also want to review and reference the [s2Stream /] Shortcode Documentation.

In order to offer multiple resolution options you should make additional variations (i.e., resolutions) available by uploading those variations to the same directory where file_download="" lives. In addition, when you use player_resolutions="", each of your files (including the one you specify in file_download="") must end with -r{resolution option value}; where {resolution option value} must begin with a numeric resolution (in height) followed by any label you prefer; e.g., -r720p-HD or maybe -r1080p-HD. The full file name would be something like: video-r720p-HD.mp4

Here is a Quick Example:

[s2Stream file_download="video-r720p-HD.mp4" player_resolutions="r720p-HD,r1080p-HD,r480p-SD" player_aspectratio="16:9" /]

Note that each of these files must exist on the server (i.e., you must create the additional resolutions and upload all of them for this to work properly). In this example I would need to render and upload the following files: video-r720p-HD.mp4, video-r1080p-HD.mp4, video-r480p-SD.mp4.

For video files served over HTTP, the default resolution will be the one you list first in the comma-delimited list: player_resolutions="r720p-HD,r1080p-HD,r480p-SD". In this example the default resolution would be: video-r720p-HD.mp4.

For video files served over the RTMP protocol (i.e., player="jwplayer-v6-rtmp" or player="jwplayer-v6-rtmp-only"), the default resolution will be chosen dynamically based on the bandwidth capability of the connecting visitor; i.e., the default resolution is chosen automatically; using the best resolution possible for the device that is currently viewing the video.

Tip: When using player_resolutions="" it is always a good idea to also define player_aspectratio="". The default aspect ratio is 16:9 if you don’t. While that default value might work for most, if your aspect ratio is different you should define it explicitly; e.g., player_aspectratio="ww:hh".

How does a visitor switch between the resolutions?

When you supply multiple video resolutions to the [s2Stream /] shortcode via the player_resolutions="" shortcode attribute, the default resolution will be chosen dynamically based on the bandwidth capability of the connecting visitor; i.e. the default resolution--the best resolution possible for the device that is currently viewing the video--is chosen automatically.

Visitors viewing the video from a desktop browser will see a "HD" toggle button that allows switching between High Definition (HD) and Standard Definition (SD).

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See also: