Knowledge Base

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  • Tag: Login/Registration clear

Configuring s2Member General Options

Creating a Registration Thank-You Page

March 16, 2015

Can members register for free?

March 25, 2015

Planning Your s2Member Configuration

Automatically Redirecting to a Protected Page After a User Logs In to Your Site

by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

Auto-Login on Registration

March 19, 2015

Is there a shortcode for a simple registration form?

March 12, 2015

How do users log into my site?

Using the E-Mail address as the Username

How do I show different Custom Registration Fields for each Signup Form?

Can the EOT Time be added to the Pro Login Widget?

Why are users who login via the Pro Login Widget denied access to the Login Welcome Page?

by: Raam Dev
March 16, 2015