Yearly Archive: 2021
Archive view; now showing all posts in the year of 2021.
s2Member v210526 (Framework and Pro) was released on May 26th, 2021. It includes a couple fixes and enhancements. This release has the first of a series of planned improvements to the admin interface. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub or the forums. (s2Member Framework & Pro) UI Enhancement: Started improving the admin interface. Lightened up the colors, and changed the layout a little bit. (s2Member Framework) UI Enhancement: Added...
s2Member has been around for over a decade, and I have big plans for what comes next: s2Member Next. Many years ago, there was the idea of an s2Member rewrite, an s2Member X, but it never came to be... s2Member is huge, the equivalent of tens of plugins in one. Rewriting it, and on top of it adding new features, is a really big task. Also, unlike a plugin without users, tens of thousands of sites rely on it working great, so there's extra care and thought put into it. It'd take a long time to...
s2Member v210208 (Framework and Pro) was released on February 8th, 2021. This release of s2Member has a few fixes and couple of enhancements. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub or the forums. (s2Member Pro) Enhancement: In the Stripe integration, cancelling a subscription in the last minutes of a period, may cause the invoice for the new period to remain there and still be charged later. Now s2Member Pro attempts to find a draft or open ...