Knowledge Base

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  • Tag: Download Options clear

If I configure Basic Download Restrictions for unlimited file downloads, are my files still protected by s2Member?

How do I switch between multiple video resolutions using the [s2Stream /] shortcode and JW Player?

Can I sell protected file downloads?

Can I change the s2member-files directory location?

March 12, 2015

Can iPad’s or iPhone’s play RTMP streams?

How do I display protected PDFs with the PDF Viewer plugin?

by: Raam Dev
November 5, 2015

What `.htaccess` files does s2Member create?

by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

Can I use more than one storage gateway for file downloads?

When/how do download counts reset?

Are Basic Download Restrictions required?

How do I configure Basic Download Restrictions for unlimited RTMP streaming?

If I configure fallback options with JW Player, won’t that defeat the purpose of using RTMP streaming to prevent downloads?