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  • Tag: Login/Registration clear

Configuring s2Member General Options

Planning Your s2Member Configuration

Can the EOT Time be added to the Pro Login Widget?

How do I change the tabindex of Custom Registration Fields?

How do I configure reCAPTCHA to use another language?

by: Raam Dev
August 8, 2015

How do I reset IP Restrictions for a single user?

by: Raam Dev
July 25, 2015

Why are my registration links returning a 404 Error (when using BuddyPress)?

by: Raam Dev
June 8, 2015

Getting/Setting Custom Registration/Profile Fields Configured w/ s2Member

Can members register for free?

March 25, 2015

Can I create custom registration and/or user profile fields? Some required, some not?

Can I customize the default WP login page?

March 25, 2015

How do users log into my site?

What do members see when they log in?

What happens when a visitor (without access) tries to view my restricted content?

Creating a Custom Logout Link

March 20, 2015

How do I show different Custom Registration Fields for each Signup Form?

How do I add fields that do not show on the Registration Page?

Why are SSL and non-SSL pages logging-out my members?

by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

Automatically Redirecting to a Protected Page After a User Logs In to Your Site

by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

Using the E-Mail address as the Username

How can I remove `!important` from Login/Registration Design?

March 19, 2015

Why isn’t the user automatically logged in after successful payment?

by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

Auto-Login on Registration

March 19, 2015

Can I create membership accounts manually; i.e. after they’ve paid me?

March 16, 2015

Why doesn’t my Pro-Form allow for setting a password during checkout?