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User Custom Fields via PHP Code
..._option('s2_company'); // This works for s2Member custom fields too; prefix is optional. // ↑ Pulls the value for...
Getting/Setting Custom Registration/Profile Fields Configured w/ s2Member
...In this article I'll explain how to get/set Custom Registration/Profile fields through PHP code. Therefore, this...
Can I create custom registration and/or user profile fields? Some required, some not?
...Absolutely. In s2Member, these are referred to as "Custom Registration/Profile Fields". [snippet slug="feature...
How do I show different Custom Registration Fields for each Signup Form?
...Each Custom Registration Field can be assigned to a specific Membership Level, so that it only shows up on Pro-Fo...
How do I change the tabindex of Custom Registration Fields?
...hat alters the starting tabindex value for your custom fields. In other words, you can customize the starting v...
Can I add custom mail merge fields?
...)); return $custom_fields; // Note that custom fields (aka: merge tags) will NOT work unless & until th...
BuddyPress profile fields or s2Member profile fields? Which should I choose?
...You can create custom profile fields with BuddyPress. Or, you can create custom profile fields with s2Member. Or,...
Video: Custom Capabilities for WordPress
...Using one of s2Member's Payment Button and/or Pro Form Generators, you can add Custom Capabilities in comma-delim...
How can I sell additional Custom Capabilities to existing members?
...If you want to sell new Custom Capabilities to existing members, you can generate a Capability (Buy Now) form...
Configuring Custom Return URLs (Thank You Pages) Upon Success
...Custom Return URLs are another advanced feature of s2Member. You can create custom pages to direct your Members u...
How can I hide specific fields on the [s2Member-Profile /] form?
...g_profile_during_fields_display_display_name - Custom Fields: ws_plugin__s2member_during_profile_during_fie...
Configuring s2Member General Options
...This Knowledge Base Article covers configuring General Options for s2Member . These range from simple settings...
Specifying a future start date for a recurring subscription (aka Custom EOT)
..._Note: The technique described below works with recurring subscriptions, i.e., subscriptions that utilize a payme...
Creating a Custom Logout Link
...You can use the [ wp_logout_url() ]( function to cre...
How can I style Pro Forms w/ custom CSS?
...Each s2Member Pro Form includes built-in CSS class names that allow you to apply styles across all Pro-Form varia...
Must users verify their account via email?
...Must users verify their account via email? This depends on your configuration of Registration/Profile Fields in...
How can I add a checkbox to my Pro-Form?
...How DO you add checkbox fields to the Stripe form template so that they will be saved to the database? s2Member...
Can I protect part of a post or page using custom conditional tags of my own creation?
...Yes. Please see: [ Simple Shortcode Conditionals](/kb-article/s2if-simple-shortcode-conditionals/) [...
Customizing your Login Welcome Page
...file (i.e., change their name, email address, any custom fields you’ve configured, etc). Please see: Dashboard...
s2Member Pro-Forms
...A Quick Overview (Pro-Forms vs. Buttons) Among other things, [s2Member Pro]( comes with...
[s2Member-List /] Shortcode Documentation
...ofile Fields you created with s2Member. To search custom fields use s2member_custom_field_[my unique id] , where...
[s2Get /] Shortcode Documentation
...s2Member comes with the shortcode and also with an API Function get_user_field() for use in PHP tem...
Advanced Import/Export Tools a user has; which would be associated with any custom fields that a site owner configured with s2Member. - All...
[s2Member-Profile /] Shortcode their name, email address, password, and any custom fields that you've configured. This shortcode is general...
Importing/Updating Users
...s2Member comes with two different Import/Export Tool flavors. Both flavors import/export in the [CSV (comma-separ...