Posts by: Cristian
Archive view; this is a list of all posts by Cristian.
s2Member has been around for over a decade, and I have big plans for what comes next: s2Member Next. Many years ago, there was the idea of an s2Member rewrite, an s2Member X, but it never came to be... s2Member is huge, the equivalent of tens of plugins in one. Rewriting it, and on top of it adding new features, is a really big task. Also, unlike a plugin without users, tens of thousands of sites rely on it working great, so there's extra care and thought put into it. It'd take a long time to...
s2Member v210208 (Framework and Pro) was released on February 8th, 2021. This release of s2Member has a few fixes and couple of enhancements. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub or the forums. (s2Member Pro) Enhancement: In the Stripe integration, cancelling a subscription in the last minutes of a period, may cause the invoice for the new period to remain there and still be charged later. Now s2Member Pro attempts to find a draft or open ...
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! :) s2Member v201225 (Framework and Pro) was released on December 25th, 2020. This release of s2Member has a few fixes and couple of enhancements. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub or the forums. (s2Member Framework) Bug Fix: View Password icon WP's login page was not displaying correctly. Kudos to Beee4life for reporting it. See issue #1187 (s2Member Framework and Pro) Enhancement: Refactored PH...
This early pre-release of s2Member and s2Member Pro v201209-RC has a few fixes and couple of enhancements. If you would like to help us test, please review the instructions and changelog below. s2Member Framework v201209-RC — (the free version and framework required by s2Member Pro). s2Member Pro Add-On v201209-RC — (must be logged into your account as a customer). On a test site, please follow the manual upgrade instruction...
s2Member v200301 (Framework and Pro) was released on March 1st, 2020. This release of s2Member has a few fixes for the recent Stripe integration update. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. (s2Member Pro) Enhancement: Added "Powered by Stripe" to Stripe pro-form's payment card field. Kudos to Josh, see post 6716. (s2Member Pro) Bug Fix: Stripe subscription cancellations were not happening when they should. This release updates the API int...
s2Member v200221 (Framework and Pro) was released on February 21st, 2020. This release of s2Member & s2Member Pro has a few fixes, particularly for the latest Stripe improvements. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. (s2Member Pro) Bug Fix: In some rare cases, another plugin also loaded Stripe's class before s2Member, so when s2 tried loading it there'd be an error. This release fixes the check for the class before trying to load it. ...
This early pre-release of s2Member & s2Member Pro, v200203-RC has a few fixes, particularly for the latest Stripe improvements. If you would like to help us test, please review the instructions and changelog below. s2Member Framework v200203-RC — (i.e., the free version and framework required by s2Member Pro). s2Member Pro Add-On v200203-RC — (must be logged into your account as a customer). On a test site, please follow...
s2Member v191022 (Framework and Pro) was released on October 22nd, 2019. This release of s2Member & s2Member Pro is a major upgrade of the Stripe integration, with several improvements and fixes. I hope you like them! :) See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. (s2Member Pro) Feature Enhancement: The Stripe pro-forms can now handle 3D Secure 2 for Strong Customer Authentication, as required by the new European regulation that came into ef...
This early pre-release of s2Member & s2Member Pro, v191018-RC is a major upgrade of the Stripe integration, with several improvements and fixes. If you would like to help us test, please review the instructions and changelog below. s2Member Framework v191018-RC — (i.e., the free version and framework required by s2Member Pro). s2Member Pro Add-On v191018-RC — (must be logged into your account as a customer). On a test si...
s2Member v190822 (Framework and Pro) was released on August 22nd, 2019. This release of s2Member & s2Member Pro improves the signup URL shortening and fixes a couple of problems. See: Automatic Upgrade Instructions for s2Member Please report bugs and feedback on GitHub. (s2Member Framework) PayPal Integration Update: PayPal deprecated the subscription modification button. Using the old possible values for this, now gives an error on PayPal's site. This button has been removed from the Pay...