Knowledge Base

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  • Search for: unsubscribe+button clear

How do I generate an s2Member PayPal Button link?

...With s2Member you can generate PayPal Button shortcodes (see Dashboard → s2Member → PayPal Buttons ) that will gene...
tagged: PayPal, Shortcodes
October 16, 2015

When is an EOT Time set for each user?

...EOT Time is Not Always Present in WordPress The EOT field is not always present, because sometimes this is controlled...
March 12, 2015

I Just Updated s2Member and My Shortcodes are Showing!

...So, you just updated s2Member and now your shortcodes aren't working? They just show up in plain text on your WordP...
January 26, 2016

Can one PayPal account handle multiple sites / plugins?

...Yes, if you have multiple sites (or multiple plugins) that are all configured to use the same PayPal account that you...
by: Raam Dev
tagged: PayPal
June 10, 2015

Why am I getting “Input Error: K: Format Of Site Key Was Invalid”?

...Why am I getting an error: "Input Error: K: Format Of Site Key Was Invalid" underneath the Security Code section of my...
by: Raam Dev
March 16, 2015

Does s2Member have a “paywall”?

...[Wikipedia's]( definition of a paywall is a follows: A paywall is a system th...
March 12, 2015

How do I switch between multiple video resolutions using the [s2Stream /] shortcode and JW Player?

...The shortcode includes a player_resolutions="" shortcode attribute. The player_resolutions="" shor...

How do I display multiple checkout options?

...How do I display multiple checkout options on a single checkout page? Using Pro-Form Checkout Options If you woul...
by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

How can I change how much my PayPal customers are paying for access?

...Future PayPal Subscriptions Quick Review: Your customers agree to create a Subscription via PayPal and have that...
tagged: PayPal
March 19, 2015

Does s2Member integrate w/ simple PayPal buttons? i.e., without needing PayPal Pro?

...Yes. This is even possible in the free version of s2Member. [snippet slug="feature-paypal-standard-button-integrati...
March 25, 2015

Does s2Member integrate w/ ClickBank?

...Yes. ClickBank integrates w/ s2Member shortcodes, which generate ClickBank buttons. [snippet slug="feature-clickban...
March 25, 2015

How do I reset IP Restrictions for a single user?

...A single Username is only valid for a certain number of unique IP addresses (as configured in your Dashboard → s2Mem...
by: Raam Dev
July 25, 2015

PayPal Auto-Return w/o Clicking “Return to …”?

...After a user makes the payment they are not automatically redirected to the Thanks page. They must click first the lin...
March 12, 2015

Do tax configurations work with payment “buttons”?

...Do tax configurations work with payment "buttons"? When I create Paypal buttons for users to add more functionality, t...
March 12, 2015

How can I Show a Features Table on my Pro-Form?

...Question: How can I show a Features Table or Features List on my Pro-Form? Answer: The s2Member Pro-Forms do no...
by: Raam Dev
tagged: Pro-Forms
March 12, 2015

How do I offer a free upgrade?

...Using the Billing Modification Forms, you can generate an Upgrade Form that will modify a users account to upgrade or...
by: Raam Dev
July 31, 2015

Why Am I Getting a “Missing First Name” Error?

...s2Member uses customizable templates to create Pro-Forms. When using a custom template for a Pro-Form, you need to be...
April 4, 2016

What is the “Transient Queue”?

...If you see a log entry like the following in your gateway-core-ipn.log : text 's2member_log' = array (...
by: Raam Dev
March 19, 2015

ClickBank: “This product is inactive”?

...If you receive this error: text IMPORTANT! This product is inactive and/or no longer for sale. This product has...
by: Raam Dev
March 16, 2015